J.M. Weston 180 Signature Loafers (branded as SYLVESTRE VINCENT)
J.M. Weston 180 Signature Loafers (branded as SYLVESTRE VINCENT)
Price excluding Tax ¥35,000
The shoes that I often wears when wearing denim are the J.M.Weston 180 Signature Loafers. I have two pairs of these 180 Loafers. One was purchased at the J.M.Weston flagship store on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, where I visited on our honeymoon with my beloved wife in October 1989. As of November 2024, 35 years have passed since our honeymoon, so the condition of the shoes is by no means good, but I polishes them myself and still wears them.
もう一つが、JiJi shopに出品しているこの靴です。デザインは180シグニチャーローファーそのもので、J.M.Westonの工場で作られていますが、靴のブランド表記が「SYLVESTRE VINCENT」になっているもので、J.M.Westonがかつて展開していたセカンドラインです。これは、2015年8月、今から約9年前に未使用品を古着屋で発見して購入したものです。
The other pair is this pair of shoes that I'm selling at JiJi shop. The design is the same as the 180 Signature Loafers and they are made in the J.M.Weston factory, but the brand name on the shoes is "SYLVESTRE VINCENT," and they are from a second line that J.M.Weston once offered. I found these unused shoes at a thrift store in August 2015, about nine years ago, and bought them.
フランス在住の方のブログには、1974年に、J.M.Westonは老舗の靴メーカーであった「SYLVESTRE VINCENT」の商標を買収したとあります。但し書きがついていて、工場は買収していないとありますから、わたしが所有する「SYLVESTRE VINCENT」ネームの180シグニチャーローファーは、J.M.Westonの工場で作られたと考えられます。
A blog by a French resident states that in 1974, J.M.Weston acquired the trademark of "SYLVESTRE VINCENT," a long-established shoe manufacturer. However, there is a disclaimer that says they did not acquire the factory, so I believe that the 180 signature loafers with the "SYLVESTRE VINCENT" name that I own were made in the J.M.Weston factory.
180 Signature Loafers that you can wear without worrying about rainy days
「SYLVESTRE VINCENT」のローファーのJ.M.Westonネームの180シグニチャーローファーとの違いは、ソールがレザーではなくラバーソールであることと靴の内側のレザーの質です。ですから、この180シグニチャーローファーのセカンドラインバージョンの使う側からの利点は、見た目は全く同じだけど、雨の日でも気にせず履けることです。
The difference between the "SYLVESTRE VINCENT" loafers and the J.M.Weston 180 signature loafers is that the soles are rubber instead of leather and the quality of the leather on the inside of the shoe. So, the advantage of this second line version of the 180 signature loafers from the user's perspective is that they look exactly the same, but you can wear them without worrying about rainy days.
ネガティブな点は、一つです。それはわたしが今から35年前に購入したJ.M.Westonの靴は長年愛用してきたことで、革のエイジングによって内側のレザーが飴色になっていて、とても良いヴィンテージテイストになっています。でも、「SYLVESTRE VINCENT」のローファーは内側のレザーの質がやや劣るのでその雰囲気が出ません。ただ、今のJ.M.Westonの靴のインナーレザーが35年前当時のクオリティを維持しているかはわかりませんが。
There is one negative point. I have been wearing the J.M.Weston shoes I bought 35 years ago for many years, and the aging of the leather has turned the inner leather amber color, giving them a very nice vintage feel. However, the quality of the inner leather of the "SYLVESTRE VINCENT" loafers is somewhat inferior, so they don't have that same feel. However, I don't know if the inner leather of today's J.M.Weston shoes maintains the same quality as it did 35 years ago.
製品表記サイズと仕様 / Product size and specifications
- size 6 (25.5/26cm)
- width D (Standard type)
- アッパー/Upper: ブラックボックスカーフ/Black box calf
- ソール/Sole: ラバーソール/Rubber sole
- 製法/Construction: Goodyear welt
わたしの靴ケア / My shoes care
わたしは「SYLVESTRE VINCENT」の180シグニチャーローファーを、大切に取り扱ってきました。履いていると、靴の履き口の部分が自然と擦れて、黒色が灰色のようになりますが、靴磨きをすれば、ほぼ元通りになります。
I have been taking good care of my SYLVESTRE VINCENT 180 signature loafers. When I wear them, the opening of the shoe naturally wear down and the black color turns gray, but if I polish them, they go back to almost the original condition.
Also, although it is often overlooked, if you clean the edges of your shoes with edge ink, they will look like new. The recommended shoe care product is the French brand SAPHIR, so please purchase it separately.
状態 Condition : B
Items that have been worn very little and do not show any visible dirt or damage
状態についての表記 / Condition description
新品同様 Like new |
新品または新品同様のもの New or like new |
A |
汚れやダメージがない、またはあっても目立たないきれいなもの No stains or damage, or if there is any, it is not noticeable |
B | 着用感が少なく、汚れやダメージが気にならないもの Items that have been worn very little and do not show any visible dirt or damage |
C | 着用感があり、汚れやダメージがみられるもの Items that are worn, dirty or damaged |
D | 汚れやダメージが目立つもの Items with noticeable dirt or damage |
Since this product is an used good, it may not be possible to describe all the small stains, scratches, marks, etc. that cannot be captured in the photos. In addition, depending on the shooting environment, there may be slight differences in the actual color. Please note that we do not accept returns, refunds, exchanges, etc. due to differences in the image or the presence or absence of small damage. Please purchase only if you understand vintage and used clothing.
Additionally, all items other than shoes shown in the product wearing image photos are not for sale.
製造国 / The country of origin
Made in France
New product list price
¥151,800(税込 Tax included)
販売価格 / Item price
¥38,500(税込 Tax included)
One wooden shoe tree and shoe bag. The wooden shoe tree is not a genuine J.M.Weston product but a general commercial product. The shoe bag is also not a genuine J.M.Weston product, but a Crockett & Jones cloth boot bag will be presented.
販売者 / Seller
この商品は、JiJi shop店主が自分の私物を、株式会社Y&Hが運営するJiJi shopを通じて販売するものです。メルカリやヤフーオークションで個人が販売するのと同様です。古物商販売許可は不要であることを警察当局に確認済みです。
This item is a personal item sold by the JiJi shop owner through JiJi shop operated by Y&H Co., Ltd. It is similar to selling items by individuals on Mercari or Yahoo! Auctions. We have confirmed with the police that a secondhand goods dealer license is not required.