究極の「普通」、Simple & ChicなNavy Suit
究極の「普通」、Simple & ChicなNavy Suit
Price excluding Tax ¥200,000
誰もが持っているネイビースーツですが、ジジイが考えるイケてるネイビースーツのキモは、究極の「普通」、Simple & Chicであることです。動画の雰囲気を見ていいなと思われたら、あなたのイケてるネイビースーツ仕立てのお手伝いをさせていただけたら嬉しいです。
Everyone has a navy suit, but the key to a cool navy suit in my opinion is to be the ultimate "ordinary" and simple & chic. If you like the atmosphere of the video, I would be happy to help you make your own cool navy suit.
Style movie
Cool Navy suit features
The characteristics of a great navy suit are that it is simple, chic, and the ultimate in "ordinary." To achieve this, I think it is important to first choose a chic fabric and then tailor it in the understated Florentine style.
Also, while considering the overall balance with your height, make your shoulders a little longer so that the size of your face is roughly 1/3 of your shoulder width. This is the wisdom of making fashion style that I have acquired after having many suits tailored by tailors in Florence and Naples, as well as by mens fashion stores in Japan.
For example, Shohei Otani has broad shoulders and a small face, so a suit tailored to his exact size would look good on him, but for the average man, a suit tailored to slightly broaden the shoulders would look better than a suit tailored to his exact size. This slight adjustment is not possible with ready-made suits, but it is possible with custom-made patterns.
JiJi Shopのパターンオーダースーツは、フィレンツェスタイルのデザインを採用しています。加えて、私がシックな生地選びから、サイズ調整のアドバイスをスーツの採寸時にさせていただきます。
JiJi Shop's pattern-ordered suits are designed in the Florentine style. In addition, I will help you choose the chic fabric and give you advice on size adjustments when taking your measurements.
オーダー価格 / Price
お仕立てするネイビースーツは、シンプルなデザインのフィレンツェ仕立てをMade in Japanで再現するものです。生地はドラッパーズかカチョッポリの生地バンチからお選びいただけます。
The navy suit we tailor is a simple design that reproduces Florentine tailoring, made in Japan. You can choose the fabric from Draper's or Caccioppoli's fabric bunch.
¥220,000(Tax included)
オーダー方法 / How to order
Make a reservation for purchase consultation and measurement
I would be happy if you could choose your size and pay online, but I think many people would like to see the navy suit that I wear in person before deciding whether to purchase it.
JiJi Shopが提携する心斎橋リフォーム東京(マロニエゲート銀座1 B1F)または心斎橋リフォーム梅田ハービスPlaza で、わたしが愛用するジャケットをご覧いただき、ご購入するかをご検討いただけます。こちらの問い合わせフォームから、メッセージをお送りください。後日、わたしから日程調整をさせていただきます。
You can see my favorite jackets and consider purchasing them at Shinsaibashi Reform Tokyo (Marronnier Gate Ginza 1 B1F) or Shinsaibashi Reform Umeda Herbis Plaza, which are affiliated with JiJi Shop. Please send me a message using this inquiry form. I will schedule a meeting at a later date.
Of course, I will be present on the day of the consultation. Please rest assured that measurements will be taken by professionals at Shinsaibashi Reform who know everything about clothes.
If you have decided to purchase, you can have your measurements taken at Shinsaibashi Reform and pay by credit card at the store. Bonus payments and installment payments are also possible. Delivery will take approximately two months.
着用見本モデルのサイズ / Model size
Jacket size 46
モデル体型 Model body type
Height 身長 165 cm
Waist ウェスト. 80cm
Weight 体重 56kg
ご購入のお客様への付属品 / Accessories
I hope that my customers who purchase this Jacket will enjoy using it, so as a small token of my appreciation, I will provide them with a wooden hanger and garment case as accessories free of charge.