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ジジイのMilitary Shirt jacket by Eral55

ジジイのMilitary Shirt jacket by Eral55

通常価格 ¥34,100 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥34,100 JPY

Price excluding Tax ¥31,000

セール 売り切れ
税込。 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。


このMilitary Shirt jacketは、ミラノのメンズショップEral55のものです。日本ではストラスブルゴで年に数回ですが、ポップアップストアが開かれます。

This Military Shirt jacket is from Milan men's shop Eral55. In Japan, they have a pop-up store in Strasburgo a few times a year.


Eral55 offers items that combine military items with a playful European spirit, and this military shirt jacket is a second-hand military jacket with a patch selected by Eral55.


The style theme is "JiJi Kawa"

ミリタリーアイテムは、ストリートファッションのアイテムですが、ジジイがそれをやると若造りになって「痛い」ので、このミリタリーシャツジャケットに、ちょいリッチなアイテム(KITONの白ニットシャツ、ROTAのコットンフランネル・トラウザーズにJOHN LOBBコテージラインのウゼス)を組み合わせてみました。

Military items are street fashion items, but If I do that, it gives the impression of an old man trying to look young, and it's not cool. So I combined this military shirt jacket with some slightly luxurious items (KITON's white knit shirt, ROTA's cotton flannel trousers, and Uzes from JOHN LOBB's cottage line).


Back when the famous Kishida Ichiro was editor-in-chief, the magazine MADURO used the copy "JiJi Kawa," which was an abbreviation of "JiJi kawaii" (the Japanese word for an old man who has a somewhat cute air about him). I tried to recreate a similar feel, but what do you think? (lol).


If you like this style and have the same body type as me, buy and try this military shirt jacket.

スタイル動画 / Style movie

スタイル動画で着用しているMilitary Jacket以外のアイテムは販売対象外です。

Please note that all items other than the Military Jacket worn in the style video are not for sale.

着用モデルのサイズ / Model's size

身長 165cm 体重56Kg ウェスト80cm 又下70cm 

Height 165cm Weight 56Kg Waist 80cm Inseam 70cm

表記サイズ / Size 


There is no size listed, but it's about a 46.

販売製品の実寸サイズ / Actual size of the products


Body width
Sleeve length
65cm 42cm 50cm 57.4cm



状態 Condition : C

Items that have been worn very little and do not show any visible dirt or damage.

状態についての表記 / Condition description

Like new
New or like new
A 汚れやダメージがない、またはあっても目立たないきれいなもの
No stains or damage, or if there is any, it is not noticeable

B 着用感が少なく、汚れやダメージが気にならないもの
Items that have been worn very little and do not show any visible dirt or damage
C 着用感があり、汚れやダメージがみられるもの
Items that are worn, dirty or damaged
D 汚れやダメージが目立つもの
Items with noticeable dirt or damage



Since this product is an used good, it may not be possible to describe all the small stains, scratches, marks, etc. that cannot be captured in the photos. In addition, depending on the shooting environment, there may be slight differences in the actual color. Please note that we do not accept returns, refunds, exchanges, etc. due to differences in the image or the presence or absence of small damage. Please purchase only if you understand vintage and used clothing.

素材 / Material : 

Cotton 100% 

販売価格 / Price


Accessories for customers who purchase


This Style Set product is one of my personal belongings that I have used and cherished. I would be happy if customers who purchase it would also enjoy it, so as a small token of my appreciation, I will provide a wooden hanger and garment case as accessories free of charge.

販売者 / Seller

この商品は、JiJi shop店主が自分の私物を、株式会社Y&Hが運営するJiJi shopを通じて販売するものです。メルカリやヤフーオークションで個人が販売するのと同様です。古物商販売許可は不要であることを警察当局に確認済みです。

This item is a personal item sold by the JiJi shop owner through JiJi shop operated by Y&H Co., Ltd. It is similar to selling items by individuals on Mercari or Yahoo! Auctions. We have confirmed with the police that a secondhand goods dealer license is not required.
