フランネルのダブルスーツ by Cesare Attolini
フランネルのダブルスーツ by Cesare Attolini
Price excluding Tax ¥150,000
"Quiet Luxury"を装いに
Add "Quiet Luxury" to your look
"Quiet Luxury"というキーワードをご存知でしょうか。これみよがしにブランドロゴが目立つ装いではなくて、控えめだけど、ファブリックの素材や手仕事による仕立てやデザインにこだわって品格が感じられる装いを楽しむことです。
Do you know the keyword "Quiet Luxury"? It is not about wearing clothes with a brand logo that stands out, but rather enjoying a modest but elegant outfit that is particular about the fabric material, handmade tailoring and design.
The flannel wool double-breasted suit that I'm wearing that day is from Attolini, an Italian brand that is one of the best brands of men's suits. This Attolini flannel suit is made of sturdy flannel wool fabric and tailoring techniques, so even though it doesn't have the logo of a high-end brand that everyone knows, it gives people the impression that "he's wearing a nice suit."
スタイル動画 / Style movie
身長 165cm 体重56Kg ウェスト80cm 又下70cm
着丈 | 肩幅 | 身幅 | 袖丈 |
70.4cm | 44cm | 50.6cm | 49.6cm |
ウェスト 1/2 | 裾幅 1/2 | 又下 | 総丈 |
39cm | 20cm | 72.8cm | 94cm |
I bought this suit around 2014, so it's 10 years old.
However, I own a lot of suits, so I don't think I've actually worn it very often. This Attolini suit is made of very durable, high-quality flannel wool fabric, so I think it's in good condition.
Attolini のスーツなので、上品で他にはない独特の雰囲気があって、"Quiet Luxury"を楽しんでいただけます。でも、わたしが着用した古着ですので、古着慣れした人にお勧めします。
Because it's an Attolini suit, it has an elegant, unique atmosphere that you won't find anywhere else, and you can enjoy "Quiet Luxury." However, since it is a second-hand item that I wore, I would recommend it to people who are used to second-hand clothing.
状態 Condition : A
No stains or damage, or if there is any, it is not noticeable
新品同様 Like new |
新品または新品同様のもの New or like new |
A |
汚れやダメージがない、またはあっても目立たないきれいなもの No stains or damage, or if there is any, it is not noticeable |
B | 着用感が少なく、汚れやダメージが気にならないもの Items that have been worn very little and do not show any visible dirt or damage |
C | 着用感があり、汚れやダメージがみられるもの Items that are worn, dirty or damaged |
D | 汚れやダメージが目立つもの Items with noticeable dirt or damage |
製造国 / The country of origin
Made in Italy
生地 / Fabric
Lana ( Wool ) 100%
販売価格 / Price
¥165,000 (Tax included)
ご購入のお客様への付属品/ Accessories
This Attolini suit is a personal item that I have always loved, and I would be delighted if you would enjoy it as much as I do, so as a small token of my appreciation, I will provide you with a wooden hanger and garment case as complimentary accessories. Please note that the accessories included are not genuine Attolini hangers or garment cases.
販売者 / Seller
この商品は、JiJi shop店主が自分の私物を、株式会社Y&Hが運営するJiJi shopを通じて販売するものです。メルカリやヤフーオークションで個人が販売するのと同様です。古物商販売許可は不要であることを警察当局に確認済みです。
This item is a personal item sold by a JiJi shop owner through JiJi shop operated by Y&H Co., Ltd. It is similar to selling items by individuals on Mercari or Yahoo! Auctions. I have confirmed with the police that a secondhand goods dealer license is not required.