ジジイの革ジャン / Leather Jacket from HIDETAKA FUKAYA per TIE YOUR TIE
ジジイの革ジャン / Leather Jacket from HIDETAKA FUKAYA per TIE YOUR TIE
Price excluding Tax ¥320,000
2010年の秋冬アイテムとして当時のTIE YOUR TIE青山で販売されていたA2 レザージャケットです。この革ジャンは、TIE YOUR TIEが、極上のシープスキンを使って、大人が着られる革ジャンを目指して作られたもの。
This is the A2 leather jacket that was sold at TIE YOUR TIE Aoyama as an autumn/winter item in 2010. This leather jacket was made by TIE YOUR TIE using the finest sheepskin, aiming to create a leather jacket that adults could wear.
When I went shopping at FENDI in Ginza with my wife and daughter wearing this leather jacket, the salesperson asked me, "That's a wonderful leather jacket. Where is it from?" If I may say so myself, this leather jacket has timeless value.
このレザージャケットは、当時のTIE YOUR TIE青山の代表だった加賀健二さんが、フィレンツェに日本人として初めてビスポーク靴のお店をオープンさせた靴職人の深谷秀隆さんに依頼して出来上がったものです。当時、このレザージャケットを作った工場は今は無くなってしまったそうで、このレベルの革ジャンはイタリアではもはやできないと言われています。
This leather jacket was made by Kenji Kaga, who was the representative of TIE YOUR TIE Aoyama at the time, and was commissioned by Hidetaka Fukaya, a shoemaker who was the first Japanese to open a bespoke shoe shop in Florence. The factory that made this leather jacket at the time no longer exists, and it is said that leather jackets of this quality can no longer be made in Italy.
You may wonder, "Can a shoemaker design clothes?" However, Fukaya-san originally studied to be a fashion designer, so creating such a beautiful leather jacket is no problem for him.
So, for me, this leather jacket is also a work of art that is no longer available. Therefore, the price is the same as the selling price in 2010, 277,750 yen. If I were to pay the same amount of money to buy a new leather jacket, I would rather have this leather jacket.
Please note that all items other than the jacket in the style video and product photos are not for sale.
スタイル動画 / Style Movie
着用モデルのサイズ / Model's size
身長 165cm 体重56Kg ウェスト80cm 股下70cm
Height 165cm Weight 56Kg Waist 80cm Inseam 70cm
生地 / Fabric
表地 / Outer material :
Lambskin 100%
裏地 / Lining :
キュプラ ベンベルグ / Cupro Bemberg 48%
ヴィスコース / Viscose 52%
製造国 / The country of origin
Made in Italy
製品の表記サイズ / Product size
販売価格 / Price
¥352,000 (tax included)
製品の状態 / Product conditions
The condition is very good, but this is my opinion. I recommend this to those who are aware of the importance of purchasing valuable vintage items. The zipper is a double zipper made by MERAS, an Italian company, but the handle of the upper zipper was broken, so only the handle was replaced.
状態 Condition : A
No stains or damage, or if there is any, it is not noticeable
新品同様 Like new |
新品または新品同様のもの New or like new |
A |
汚れやダメージがない、またはあっても目立たないきれいなもの No stains or damage, or if there is any, it is not noticeable |
B | 着用感が少なく、汚れやダメージが気にならないもの Items that have been worn very little and do not show any visible dirt or damage |
C | 着用感があり、汚れやダメージがみられるもの Items that are worn, dirty or damaged |
D | 汚れやダメージが目立つもの Items with noticeable dirt or damage |
This item is second-hand, so it may not be possible to show all the small stains, scratches, and marks that cannot be captured in the photo. Also, depending on the shooting environment, there may be slight differences in the actual color. Please note that I cannot accept returns, refunds, or exchanges due to differences in the image or the presence or absence of small damage. Please purchase only if you understand vintage and used clothing.
販売者 / Seller
この商品は、JiJi shop店主が自分の私物を、株式会社Y&Hが運営するJiJi shopを通じて販売するものです。メルカリやヤフーオークションで個人が販売するのと同様です。古物商販売許可は不要であることを警察当局に確認済みです。
This item is a personal item sold by a JiJi shop owner through JiJi shop operated by Y&H Co., Ltd. It is similar to selling items by individuals on Mercari or Yahoo! Auctions. I have confirmed with the police that a secondhand goods dealer license is not required.