Vintage TIE YOUR TIE ネイビーソリッドタイ
Vintage TIE YOUR TIE ネイビーソリッドタイ
Price excluding Tax ¥24,000
フィレンツェのクラシックなメンズストアTIE YOUR TIEの東京支店が表参道のフロムファーストビルの2階にひっそりとあった2000年頃に購入したボトルネックタイプの3つ折りタイプのネイビーソリッドタイです。
This is a navy solid bottleneck, tri-fold tie that I purchased around 2000 when the Tokyo branch of TIE YOUR TIE, a classic men's store from Florence, was quietly located on the second floor of the From First Building in Omotesando.
このタイは、当時のTIE YOUR TIEでは、Frankというモデル名で販売されていました。その仕様はイタリア語でスフォデラートと呼ばれ、その特徴は大剣と小剣の裏地がなくて、手縫いであることです。
This tie was sold at TIE YOUR TIE under the model name Frank at the time. The specifications are called sfoderato in Italian, and its characteristic is that large sword and small sword are unlined and hand-sewn.
それとネクタイの長さが158cmと普通のものよりも10cmほど長いことも当時のTIE YOUR TIEの特徴でした。これはオーナーだった故フランコ・ミヌッチ氏のこだわりでした。
Another feature of TIE YOUR TIE at the time was that the length of the tie was 158cm, which was about 10cm longer than normal. This was the insistence of the late owner, Franco Minucci.
The length of the tie is long enough that you can tie it in various ways, but Franco intentionally left the small sword of the tie hanging long, as shown in the photo below. I used to imitate him, but people often pointed out that my tie was strange.
In an interview with a fashion magazine, he said, "It's not cool for a man to dress too extravagantly, so I deliberately dress down," but I think that was just his way of expressing fashion.
加賀健二さんが経営するフィレンツェにあるTIE YOUR TIE FLORENCEでは、今も同じ仕様を踏襲し、同じモデル名のFrankとして販売されていますが、日本のTIE YOUR TIEは、経営主体が違うためか、同じ3つ巻きでもその仕様は当時とは違って普通のネクタイの仕様のものを販売しています。
TIE YOUR TIE FLORENCE in Florence, run by Kenji Kaga, still makes the same specifications and sells the same model name, Frank, but TIE YOUR TIE in Japan is run by a different company, and although it has the same three-wrap specifications, it sells a cost-reduced version instead of the original.
価格は、2024/12/29時点で、当時の仕様を踏襲したTIE YOUR TIE FLORENCEのものは163,93€で、1ユーロ160円とすると26,229円、日本のTIE YOUR TIEのものは13,200円です。
As of December 29, 2024, the price of the TIE YOUR TIE FLORENCE tie, which follows the original specifications, is 163.93€, which is 26,229 yen at 160 yen per euro, and 13,200 yen for the Japanese TIE YOUR TIE tie.
日本のものの方が買いやすいかもしれませんが、もし、新品が欲しいという方には、わたしはTIE YOUR TIE FLORENCEのものをお勧めします。なぜなら、間違いなく愛着を持って長く使えるからです。
The Japanese tie may be easier to buy, but if you want a new one, I recommend the TIE YOUR TIE FLORENCE tie. Because you will definitely love it and be able to use it for a long time.
JiJi Shopで販売する、ジジイの私物のTIE YOUR TIE のネイビーソリッドタイはおよそ20年ほど前のヴィンテージで大切に使ってきたものです。売りたくはないのですが、わたしからこの価値がわかる方にバトンタッチできたらと思って出品します。
The navy solid tie from TIE YOUR TIE that JiJi owns and is sold at JiJi Shop is a vintage tie from about 20 years ago that I have used with great care. I don't want to sell it, but I am putting it up for sale in the hope that I can pass it on to someone who will understand its value.
To me, these ties have art and craft value, so they are more expensive than those at ordinary second-hand clothing stores, but I would be happy if there are people who can appreciate their value.
color :
ネイビー / Navy
Size :
全長 Total Length 158cm
大剣 Large Sword Width 8cm
若干の誤差はご容赦下さい Please allow for slight errors.
Fabric :
シルク / SILK 100%
手縫い / Hand made
製造国 / The country of origin
Made in Italy